
CEWA > About > Governance > Funding

Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) works in partnership with the WA State and Australian governments to provide an education that is chosen by thousands of families in WA for their children.

The Australian Government provides funding for Catholic schools to assist with the recurrent costs of school education. The funding methodology incorporates a ‘base’ plus a ‘loading’ component.

The loadings include additional amounts over and above the base amount to help students and schools facing different types of disadvantage.

School based loadings can include:

  • Size loading
  • Location loading

Student loadings can include:

  • Students with disability
  • Students with low English language proficiency
  • Students of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent
  • Students with a socio-educational disadvantage

State government funding for all non-government schools is set as a percentage of costs associated with the education of a child in a government school. This funding is then divided on a per capita basis.

Since the 1980s, CECWA has facilitated the state-wide distribution of funding to WA Catholic schools through this model, in line with the intent and spirit of the Bishops’ Mandate and the CECWA’s Terms of Reference.

A working party reviews the allocation of Australian Government Funding based on ten guiding principles outlined in the Funding Allocation Model Policy.

For more information, please view the CECWA Funding Allocation Model Policy below.

CECWA Australian Government Recurrent Funding Allocation Model

This guide explains the funding model used by CECWA to allocate the Australian Government Recurrent funding. CECWA has implemented its own needs based funding model since the 1980s, which facilitated the State-wide distribution to Western Australian Catholic schools.


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