Kimberley Schools

CEWA > Careers > Career Opportunities > Kimberley Calling > Kimberley Schools

There are 13 Catholic schools in the Broome Diocese, spanning the Kimberley region of northern Western Australia.

Kimberley schools are culturally rich learning environments that enable strong professional growth, two-way learning opportunities and the ability to deepen one’s knowledge and understanding of the cultures and languages of First Nations people. They are places where those who are keen to make a significant difference in the lives of students through the provision of a quality Catholic education can do so.

78 78 130 130 222 222 546 546 161 161 170 170 174 174 45 45 88 88 198 198 85 85

Kimberley Schools

Christ The King Djarindjin Lombadina

St Martin De Porres School Broome

St Mary's College Broome

Holy Rosary School Derby

Sacred Heart School Beagle Bay

Warlawurru Red Hill

John Pujajangka-Piyirin School Lake Gregory - Mulan

Luurnpa Balgo Hills

St Joseph's School Wyndham

St Joseph's School Kununurra

Ngalangangpum School Kununurra-Warmun Community

Kururrungku Billiluna Station

Birlirr Ngawiyiwu Ringer Soak

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