Rural and Remote Opportunities

CEWA > Careers > Work With Us > Rural and Remote Opportunities

Experience country and make a difference.

Would you like to live and experience life as a teacher in a remote and rural school?
For many of our teachers, a country posting has been extremely rewarding. From Esperance in the south to Wyndham in the north-east, there are many opportunities to work in rural and remote Catholic schools in Western Australia. There are 27 Catholic schools in the Bunbury region alone, 11 schools in the Geraldton diocese and 13 in the Kimberley.

Vacancies are posted on individual school websites and the CEWA website. Applications are submitted directly to the Principal.

To view current rural and remote opportunities, please go to Job Search.

Kimberley Calling

Is the Kimberley Calling you to a unique teaching opportunity?
The Kimberley Calling program seeks teachers, open to the experience of learning, living and serving in the Catholic school communities of the Kimberley, who will inspire and engage each student of the Broome Diocese through the provision of a quality Catholic education.

This innovative CEWA staffing initiative which provides potential teachers with information on how working in this region offers an abundance of rich personal, professional, cultural and environmental experiences, and truly unique opportunities and challenges. Educators interested in teaching in Kimberley Catholic schools apply to enter the Kimberley Calling teacher pool; principals then recruit staff from candidates who have been accepted into the pool.

There are thirteen Catholic schools in the Broome Diocese, spanning the Kimberley region of northern Western Australia. These schools are culturally rich learning environments that enable strong professional growth, two-way learning opportunities and the ability to deepen one’s knowledge and understanding of the cultures and languages of First Nations people. They are places where those who are keen to make a significant difference in the lives of students through the provision of a quality Catholic education can do so.

Kimberley Calling

We are seeking teachers, open to the experience of learning, living and serving in the Catholic school communities of the Kimberley, who will inspire and engage each student of the Broome Diocese through the provision of a quality Catholic education.

Is the Kimberley Calling you?


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