Leaders’ Forum Semester 1 2023

CEWA > Leaders’ Forum Semester 1 2023

Welcome to Leaders’ Forum 2023

The 2023 Catholic Education Leaders’ Forum brings together leaders from Catholic schools and offices across WA to consider the strategic direction for the state’s Catholic Schools in the context of the broader local and national educational landscape.

The Leaders’ Forum is an important opportunity for our leaders to gather and collectively consider the strategic direction for Catholic Schools in the context of the broader educational landscape of Western Australia.

Attendees will have the chance to hear from Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, CEWA’s Executive Director, Dr Debra Sayce, Catholic Education Commission Chair, Ms Eva Skira AM, National Catholic Education Commission Executive Director, Hon Jacinta Collins and others.

You will also participate in two facilitated workshops as well as a session on ‘Go Forth: Toward a Community of Missionary Disciples’. An outline of each session is shown below.

An outline of each session is shown below.

Leaders' Forum Agenda 2023


Session 1 (Mandatory)

Go Forth:
Toward a Community of Missionary Disciples

“We need a church capable of warming people’s hearts, of walking with them in the night, of dialoguing with their hopes and disappointments, of mending their brokenness.” Pope Francis, to the Bishops of Brazil, 2013

Pope Francis exemplifies missionary discipleship in his own person. Links will be made to the Mandate, QCE and to ‘Go Forth’ by William Gregory, with particular focus on the Introduction and Chapter 11: Accompaniment.

Scriptures (The Good Samaritan and Journey to Emmaus) where Jesus models a missionary church that walks tenderly with the wounded will be explored with the help of visual images. Discussion will follow and responses collated on the implications for schools around current success, future possibilities and potential obstacles.

Required reading

Go Forth: Toward a Community of Missionary Disciples (William Gregory) Introduction


Go Forth: Toward a Community of Missionary Disciples (William Gregory) Accompaniment


The Good Samaritan and Road to Emmaus Scripture Readings


Activity Resources

Session Activity


Pope Francis – Building the Future Together


Session 2

The call of Pope Francis for the Liturgical Formation of the People of God
Challenges for School Communities

In his Apostolic Letter ‘Desiderio Desideravi’, Pope Francis highlights the theological understanding that the celebration of liturgy is the place of encounter with the person of Jesus Christ.

Within Catholic schools some parents, families, teachers, and students celebrate and encounter liturgical celebrations and the Mass for the first time. For many others, the school community, and not the local parish, is the only place where liturgy and the Mass is experienced. Therefore, schools have a challenging but important place and role to play in liturgical formation and renewal.

This session will explore the challenges and possible practical applications of liturgical formation as put forward by Pope Francis within the light of our current school environments.

Recommended reading

Desiderio Desideravi


Activity Resources

Activity One


Activity Two


Session 3

‘What is this people’s mission?’
Future of employment in Catholic schools in WA

Amendments to the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (WA) will not affect Catholic schools’ ability to specify that it is an inherent requirement of certain roles to be Catholic. Likewise, employees will have to ensure they carry out their fiduciary responsibility to their employer by sharing a common vision and model amongst the school community the virtues of Christian life. However, discrimination against staff for other reasons including for having personal beliefs contrary to Catholic beliefs will be discriminatory and may be unlawful.

So how do we ensure that we employ staff who can help Catholic schools achieve their specific mission to bring the fullness of life to students as they grow through the stages of development and come to their adult life?

Required reading

Review of the Equal Opportunity Act (Religious Educational Institutions)


Activity Resources

Activity One


Activity Two


Session 4

Schools and Families Walking the Journey Together
Celebrating the Value of Accompaniment

“Schools and Families Walking the Journey Together – Celebrating the Value of Accompaniment” will highlight the value of authentic relationships between families and schools. Through dialogue and accompaniment, each brings their own knowledge and understanding about the child or young person to the centre of our mission.

Working together, they create a safe and supportive environment which contributes to the child’s or young person’s engagement, wellbeing and holistic development, thus enabling them to reach their God given potential.

This commitment to mutually respectful partnerships ensures that positive outcomes can be achieved for all and where Catholic school communities can flourish.

Recommended reading

Our Quest for Hope – The Gift of Faith (Parent Discussion Paper)


Gearing up for Engagement


Activity Resources

Activity One


Activity Two

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