Students With Disability

CEWA > Learning & Wellbeing > Diverse Learning > Students With Disability

At Catholic Education Western Australia, we are committed to ensuring that all children receive the support they need to learn and flourish.

All students have an equal right to an appropriate and inclusive education in our schools.

The Disability Standards for Education 2005 clarify the obligations of education and training providers and seek to ensure that students with disability can access and participate in education on the same basis as other students. Catholic Education WA aims to fully support the Disability Standards in all of their schools. Resources supporting the Disability Standards for Education 2005 are also available.

Catholic Education Western Australia is committed to embedding inclusive practices in all school environments for students with disability and additional needs.

Students with disability who are enrolled in a Catholic school receive assistance through a range of options including, among others:

  • individualised learning plans
  • access to specialised programs, resources and equipment
  • small group or individual instruction
  • teacher assistant support.

Education Support Centres have been established in designated primary and/or secondary Catholic schools for students with disability whose educational needs require the provision of additional support and resources. This includes special education teacher/s and additional teacher assistants, as well as specialised resources and facilities. Whilst some students receive individualised support in these centres, resourcing also support their inclusion with same age peers.

What is distinctive about the Catholic Education Western Australia approach to inclusive education?

  • All students are integrated into the life of the school.
  • Our Education Support Centres provide for the learning needs of students, as well as the mainstream setting.

Students with Disability Team

Our Students with Disability Team assists schools in providing appropriate, inclusive education in the following ways:

  • provides advice and direction to Catholic School Leadership Teams on issues related to students with disability
  • provides ongoing specialist support to school staff on issues related to the education of students with disability
  • promotes best educational practices to enhance access, participation and learning outcomes for students with disability, including working with schools to develop Individual Education Plans and Individual Transition Plans for students with disability
  • assists with the provision of professional development programs for school staff in the area of disability education
  • assists schools to access funding and resources
  • works with schools to ensure smooth entry and transitions for students with disability
  • assists schools to liaise with specialist agencies

Further Information

Catholic Education Western Australia is committed to embedding inclusive practices in all school environments for students with disability and additional needs.

Contact the Students with Disability Team


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