Parish RE Program

CEWA > Our Community > Parish Religious Education > Parish RE Program

Many parishes throughout Western Australia provide a Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) and sacrament preparation to Catholic children who do not attend Catholic schools.

These programs are governed under the direction of the Parish Priest and can vary in size – from one or two Catechists teaching a few children, to several Catechists teaching over 100 children.

Classes are generally held after school at the parish or a nearby Catholic school and are approximately one hour in duration.

The mandated teaching resource used by Catechists in the PREP is Gathered in My Name.


Catholic children who do not attend Catholic schools are prepared through the PREP to receive the sacraments at the appropriate ages.

While Catechists provide the teaching preparation for the sacraments (as do teachers in Catholic primary schools), the Church regards parents of paramount importance and seeks their involvement in their child’s sacramental journey: ‘Parents are the primary educators in the faith.’ (General Directory for Catechesis 255)

Sacraments are celebrated in the parish; and through the parish community, new members are welcomed into the much bigger community of the Church. All children who are sacrament candidates, whether they attend Catholic or other schools, are parish candidates.

The Archdiocese of Perth has a family-focused, parish-based, Catholic school and PREP-supported approach to the sacraments.


Sacramental Policy for School Aged Children


Policy on the Sacrament of Confirmation



Who do I contact for Religious Education and sacramental preparation for children attending a Catholic school?

The Parish Priest at your home parish is your first contact. For further information, contact the Catechist Service at Catholic Education Western Australia on 6380 5335

Where and when are classes held?

Classes are generally held after school at the parish and last for one hour. The day and exact time on which they are held will vary from parish to parish. For further information contact your parish.

What age (or school year) are the sacraments celebrated and how long does preparation take?

The Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist are generally celebrated at ages 8 and 9 respectively (Years 3 and 4). Preparation for these sacraments is conducted over a two-year period. Confirmation is generally celebrated in the last year of primary school (Year 6 or 7). It is recommended that preparation for Confirmation is also over a two-year period.

What if my child has not been baptised yet, or is older than the recommended ages for Penance, Eucharist and Confirmation?

Speak to the Parish Priest or Catechist Coordinator at your home parish.

Learn more

Sacramental Policy for School Aged Children

Gathered In My Name Brochure

Confirmation Policy for School Aged Children

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