Fees and Enrolments

CEWA > Our Schools > Find a School > Fees and Enrolments

Catholic schools in Western Australia receive funding from the federal and state governments as well as income from school fees and other fundraising activities.

Catholic Education Western Australia, together with all Catholic schools in WA, recognises the significant contribution families make to the cost of educating their children. In acknowledging the socio-economic factors facing some families, Catholic schools are focused on minimising school fees and offering financial support to those in need, particularly those families on Health Care Cards, and providing sibling discounts and scholarships.

School fees are set annually by the school or college board and fee increases are made in accordance with guidelines set by the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia (CECWA). In supporting the principle of accessibility to Catholic schools, CECWA encourages school communities to establish fee setting and collection practices consistent with access and equity priorities.

Most Catholic schools offer a number of methods for paying fees to minimise any financial burden and to assist financial planning. Families who experience difficulty in meeting the required fee payments are actively encouraged to discuss this with the principal of the school. Some schools may have additional charges associated with VET courses, camps, music lessons and other activities. However, the CECWA encourages schools to keep these costs to a minimum.


In support of the Bishops’ Mandate for Catholic Education Western Australia, Catholic schools are determined that no family seeking a Catholic education for their child or children will be denied the opportunity due to financial difficulty. Families with limited capacity to pay school fees are eligible for fee concession support. Requests for fee concessions are treated with dignity, fairness, compassion and confidentiality.

The Health Care Card Discount Scheme, introduced in 2005, provides an automatic fee concession to the holders of eligible means-tested family concession cards (Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card). This discount applies to all year levels from Kindergarten to Year 12.

Family discounts

Families with siblings enrolled at the same Catholic school, from Kindergarten to Year 12, are entitled to a level of family discount determined by the school Board.

All families are eligible for a family discount, including those who receive automatic tuition fee discounts as holders of eligible means-tested family concession cards.


Many Catholic schools and colleges offer academic, performing arts, sport and Aboriginal student scholarships or bursaries. Please visit the school’s website or contact the school directly to discover what scholarships are offered and to ascertain the criteria.

Visit the school’s website to view its fee schedule, learn more about fee and family discounts, and scholarship programs.


Catholic schools provide a distinctly Catholic education for children that recognises the individual needs and diversity of all students – be it cultural, social, physical, intellectual, financial, emotional or spiritual.

The Bishops of Western Australia require the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia (CECWA) to advance the Church’s purpose for Catholic schools by making a Catholic school education available to all families who seek a Catholic education for their children.

All Catholic schools in Western Australia follow the procedures outlined in the Executive Directive Enrolment. Each school has its own enrolment procedures, consistent with the Executive Directive which are available directly from each school or on individual school websites.

Applications for enrolment are processed by individual schools and should be made as early as possible, particularly for secondary schools. Submission of an application does not guarantee placement and parents will be requested to attend an interview with the principal prior to an offer of place.

Please visit the school’s website to view its enrolment policy.

Policy information

Executive Directive Enrolment

The Executive Directive Enrolment outlines the directives for enrolment of students at Catholic Education Western Australia Ltd (CEWA).

Executive Directive School Fees

The Executive Directive School Fees outlines the directives for school fee setting and collection, at all Catholic schools in Western Australia.

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