Research in Our Schools

CEWA > Resources > Research and Publications > Research in Our Schools

Catholic Education Western Australia is responsible for approving research in Catholic schools and regional offices across the four Dioceses.

It is recognised that research is important in providing evidence to inform education policy making and practice. Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) is committed to continuous improvement and sees strategic partnerships with, and support for, researchers as an important way of achieving this.

CEWA reviews all research applications according to the Guidelines and Principles for Research in Western Australian Catholic Schools and Offices. It is recommended that researchers read these Guidelines before submitting a research application to CEWA.

Research applications should be submitted on the CEWA form “Application to Conduct Research in Western Australian Catholic Schools” and attach all relevant documentation (see links below). This application form contains a checklist of all required information and documentation. Incomplete applications are likely to be returned with a request for resubmission.

If you are proposing to conduct research in more than one state or territory, complete the National Application Form and apply separately to each jurisdiction using this form.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does it take for research to be approved?

Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) accepts applications all year. If the research is of low risk and the application is complete requiring little change or follow up requests, approval takes between 3-4 weeks. For more complex and high-risk applications, it can take up to 6 weeks.

2. Does CEWA provide ethics clearance?

CEWA does not have a Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC). The CEWA Research Approval Panel is responsible for considering research proposals (which have been approved by a HREC) and recommending acceptance (or otherwise) to the Executive Director.

3. Can we submit an application while waiting for our formal ethics clearance?

Yes. You can submit your research application before you receive HREC approval. CEWA will not finalise your application until we have received a copy of your ethics approval.

4. My application involves multiple jurisdictions across Australia. Do I have to apply to each one?

No. For research involving schools across multiple states and territories, CEWA accepts the National Application Form. Please see link on our main research page.

5. What is the process for an amendment to an already approved research project?

If there are minor changes to the design of your research or instruments please provide the CEWA reference no, project title, name of lead researcher, details of the amendment, copies of any changed documents and ethics approval for amendments. We will then review the changes and advise if CEWA approves.

Occasionally a new application is requested especially if there are significant amendments.

6. Does CEWA accept applications for research in Catholic schools throughout the whole of Western Australia?

Yes. To conduct research in Catholic schools across Western Australia you are required to submit an application to Catholic Education Western Australia.

7. How do I submit a final report?

It is a condition of CEWA approval that the research findings of the project are provided. The final report should include the following:

  • The tile of the research
  • The name of the lead researcher
  • A summary of the research
  • An outline of research design and methodology
  • Findings in relation to the research questions

Document Download Links

Guidelines and principles for research in Western Australian Catholic schools and offices


Research application form


Consent form template for principals and teachers


Consent form template for parents – Child participation


Collection notice template for parents, teachers and principals


Information letter template for parents – child participation


Information letter template for principals/teachers


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